
Phpstorm 8
Phpstorm 8

Notable bug fix: type inference doesn’t override property hints any more.New intentions: Replace ternary expression with if, Simplify if, Fix function signature intention for unused function parameter.Type inference: instanceof with OR, support for array access via constant.Allow to generate multiple getters/setters for a field.New PHP debug feature: Copy array/object value path (in variable context menu).Unwrap/remove action for control structures.New PHP formatting options: Class fields alignment.Local History for selected function, class or method.Line comments now can keep indentation (see WI-14262 for more information).Source & Test directories for PHP: Matching for project structure and namespaces (as in PSR-0), Detecting PSR-0 structure on new project, Maintaining structure on new class creation and refactorings.This build includes a bunch of new features, bug fixes and improvements from PHP, Web and IntelliJ platform sides (including long-awaited Multiple Selection – check the end of the post for more details).

phpstorm 8 phpstorm 8 phpstorm 8

A fresh build 134.1456 is available for download and we are waiting for your feedback in the Issue Tracker. Today we are glad to announce the start of Early Access Program for PhpStorm 8.

Phpstorm 8